Inspired by our recent yoga holiday to Turkey we cooked this warming autumnal dish for my one day rural yoga retreat in The Chess Valley. I promised that I would produce the recipe which I have scaled down to serve four to six people.


60ml/4tbsp olive oil

2 potatoes cut into bite size chunks
10ml/2tsp crushed coriander seeds 
2-3 garlic chopped cloves 
400g can chopped tomatoes
10ml/2tbs tomatoes puree
15ml/1tbsp sugar
2 large aubergines cut into bite size chunks
2 green peppers seeded & cut into bite size chunks
small bunch coriander
small bunch dill
salt & ground black pepper


Heat oil in heavy pan or casserole stir in potatoes – soften & brown for 5-6 minutes
Stir in crushed coriander seeds and garlic
Add tomatoes, puree, sugar followed by aubergines & green peppers.
Cover with enough water to surround vegetables & bring to boil
Cover and cook gently for 15-20 minutes.
Remove lid and put into oven for a further 10-20 minutes to brown and thicken
Season with salt & pepper and stir in half chopped coriander and dill 
Transfers into hot serving dish and top with the remaining herbs
Serve hot with an optional dollop of creamy Turkish or Greek yoghurt, flat bread or rice