Brighten up a winter’s day and join us for a full day of  varied yoga, hike, fresh food and good company.
My next one day yoga retreat is Saturday February 18th Notting Hill and is booking up fast. For anyone who has not attended before, these one day, retreats have proved to be really enjoyable, both for us organising them and for the participants, many of whom are now regular and enthusiastic attendees.

You will have the opportunity to develop your practice during an extensive morning session which we will spend exploring how we can transform the intensity of our practice by awakening the core body. We will focus on a sequence of asana that really engage with our core muscles and learn how maintaining a conscious connection to the core enhances our practice.  We will also have plenty of time in this extended class to work on various core strengthening techniques and longer held poses that bring with them a deeper, meditative quality to our yoga practice. The morning session will be followed by a freshly prepared vegetarian lunch after which we will enjoy some fresh air on one of our traditional yoga hikes together. We have chosen this venue for its proximity to Kensington Gardens and The Serpentine. 
After our walk, the afternoon class will be more restorative and focused on relaxation. It will comprise yoga gently, breathing techniques and deep, guided relaxation known as yoga nidra. You will get the chance to experience the essence of yoga and the way it unites us all over  a longer period than you can in a regular yoga class and  have the opportunity to get to know some lovely like-minded people, enjoy some beautiful urban scenery and return home feeling thoroughly relaxed and rejuvenated.  We remain committed to keeping our day retreats as affordable to as many people as possible so for this retreat we will be retaining our 2009/10/11 cost of £60. This price includes all drinks, snacks and the freshly prepared vegetarian lunch. 

TO BOOK Please EMAIL or call 07885933037 AND send a cheque made payable to Elisa Williams to 38 Ingersoll Road London W127BD or pay by internet banking into my account: Santander  sort code 090127 account name E M Williams and account number 01526981 ( please let me know by email if you have done this and add your name and ‘yoga day”t o payment reference). Directions to the venue will be sent upon confirmation of your booking.  Please let me know the names and contact details of everyone who is attending if you a reserving places for anyone other than yourself. 

I am teaching all my regular classes now the term has got back into full swing and there are still some places if anyone would like to join one of my yoga courses at St Peters in Notting Hill, Music House in Shepherds Bush or The Apothecary in Fulham. See my website for details.

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