When is the bloodshed in Gaza is going to end? Does mankind never learn that hate cannot ever drive out hate? When is the international community going to stop pontificating? Hamas undoubtedly has a case to answer, but to most of us on the outside looking in, Israel seems to have lost all sense of perspective and humanity. It’s leaders express no will to find a solution, their spokespeople flair up and become aggressive whenever confronted with an uncomfortable question.
Israel and the Jewish people have received a great reservoir of sympathy and good will, we all know their appalling history. But from where I’m standing it seems that reservoir has well and truly dried out. This god fearing yet apparently lawless nation has lost sight of any sense of human decency and humility.
The international community needs to step down off the fence and make Israel and it’s leaders accountable for such disproportionate actions right now. Their unprecedented aggression against The Palestinians and anyone else – even those of their own faith and nationality who dare to challenge, has to stop however uncomfortably that sits with international seats of power.